Bingley Methodist Church is open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds. We lead our congregation in worship, deepening the connection to God, understanding the teachings of Christ, and ultimately leading to a vibrant faith.
Sunday Services
Every Sunday- 10:30am
All are welcome
Our 10:30 service every Sunday lasts about one hour. Some weeks, services may be shared with other Churches in the Aire Valley hub- Long Lee & Ilkley Road.
Communion- is offered every 4/5 weeks. We welcome all to take part. Children & young people meet, with leaders, in their own group. A room is available for parents/ carers with babies.
Why not come and see for yourself- everyone is welcome!
Bingley Methodist Church is open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds.
We are a Christian Community with much to offer.
There are many things that make up a successful community- one of those is a thriving local Church.
Over successive generations, families and individuals have come to regard Bingley Methodist Church as "their" Church.
Whether you are new to the area or a resident of long standing, we would like to introduce you to our activities and ask you to consider whether our Church could become part of your life. People turn to a Church at different times in their lives- for weddings, baptisms or funerals and in times of crisis. We will be glad to welcome you, however you feel.
Bingley Methodist Church
Herbert St,
Off Mornington Rd,
BD16 4JS